I Am A Ruby Red Baby, I am Murphy, beloved baby, sweet boy, golden doughnut, sexy beast, thunder paws, farrah fawcett, cuddle muffin, fluffy butt, sock surgeon, egg shaped baby, paper addict, ice cube hunter, jello lover, best traveling dog ever and beaver butt.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Best Friend

Rick & Murphy 3.18.08
Originally uploaded by Gertibird
This is my new best friend. He comes to my house and plays with his toys and makes lots of noise.

Once, when Mommy and Daddy were both sick, he took me for walks and pets me and tells me I am a good boy. He says he likes the way I smell. That is how I know he is my very good friend.

Sometimes he keeps me in the other room when he plays with his toys. I tell him I am a good helper. Mommy puts the leash on me when we walk through that end of the house. There are so many things to sniff and taste and she just wants to hurry through. Silly Mommy.

1 Treats!:

Ruby Red Dog said...

My mum is sick too right now, so I now what all that lying around on the bed can be like. I don't know what's wrong with her but her face is all big on one side and she says she's sick like I was when we were camping in the woods. i remember that. It wasn't nice. When dad goes off to work in the morning, he tells me to be a good girl and look after mum, so that's what I do. Keep looking after your mommy. We know hoe to make them feel better.